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Most RPN Purchasing Guides contain calculators that provide greenhouse gas emission estimates that are specific to a particular product category along with other estimates such as waste reduction, energy-use mitigation, etc. To make it easier to calculate GHG emissions specifically, we've assembled some of these RPN calculators along with others that don't fit into our current product categories into one place here.
Bottled Water
This Bottled Water Calculator, developed by RPN, compares the cost and environmental impacts of 16.9 oz. bottles of water with tap water, including mitigated carbon emissions.
Carbon Offsets Calculators
The Carbon Offsets Calculators can be used to measure GHG emissions associated with various business practices.
Lists energy, financial, and GHG savings calculators for many different appliances and electronics.
GHG Equivalencies Calculator
US Environmental Protection Agency tool converts GHG metrics to everyday visuals.
EPA Pollution Prevention GHG Calculator
Calculates GHG emission reductions from electricity conservation, green energy, fuel and chemical substitutions with lower GHG-intensities, water conservation, and improved materials and process management in the chemical manufacturing sector.
Office Electronics Calculators
Use calculators from ENERGY STAR and to measure the impact of your imaging equipment in terms of cost savings and energy use.
Paper Calculator
Environmental Defense Fund promotes better paper choices by calculating benefits such as reductions in GHG emissions, energy, water and waste.
Content (ReCon)
US EPA calculates GHG and energy impacts of purchasing products containing recycled content.