Webinar videos and presentations that are available to RPN members only are designated by .
RPN Webinar: Sustainable Purchasing Policies: A Tale of Two Cities - Dec 4, 2018A sustainable purchasing policy can be an important foundation for a successful sustainable purchasing program. But developing a sustainable purchasing policy is not a one-size-fits-all process. Join RPN to learn about two very different approaches to creating and securing adoption of a sustainable purchasing policy. Alicia Culver will summarize key elements of a Sustainable Purchasing Policy Template that RPN created earlier this year in collaboration with several cities that are members of the Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN). This model policy complements the USDN-RPN Sustainable Purchasing Playbook for Cities. She will also highlight other resources that can help government agencies, institutions, and businesses to easily develop a new or updated sustainable purchasing policy. Stacey Foreman will describe how Portland, Oregon, updated its Sustainable Purchasing Policy, which received a major overhaul this year. Portland's new policy consolidates the City's numerous sustainable procurement-related policies, includes expanded sections on prioritization and reporting, and is peppered with best practice guidance for City employees. Stacey will also explain how this new policy was developed through an engaged process and how it will enable the City's Sustainable Purchasing Program to become more strategic in its activities and communications. Karl Bruskotter will describe Santa Monica's internal purchasing policy that directs City staff to follow detailed green purchasing guidance outlined in a series of Green Purchasing Easy Guides. Easy Guides are internal publications that describe the environmental and health benefits of specific sustainable products and services, highlight applicable third-party certifications, and include bid specifications, green building credits, and other resources on each topic. RPN helped Santa Monica create Easy Guides on a wide array of sustainable purchasing topics such as cleaning chemicals, furniture, flooring, janitorial paper products, and more. Panelists:
RPN Webinar: Sustainable Paper Procurement: New Tools and Strategies for Success - May 9, 2018Purchasing environmentally preferable paper products seems simple: choose products with a high percentage of post-consumer recycled content that are manufactured without chlorinated bleaching agents. Done. However, over the past few years, environmental standards for paper have become more complex. Some give credit for paper products that contain agricultural waste, "rapidly renewable" and (certified) sustainably harvested virgin tree fibers, and even "biobased" content. Learn why purchasing environmentally preferable paper paper products is needed — now more than ever — and is the cornerstone of a sustainable purchasing program. This webinar presents the Environmental Paper Network's Vision and Action for Responsible Paper Consumption as well as RPN's specifications for office paper products, including a comparison of third-party certifications. It also details how the City of Palo Alto and Alameda County have achieved environmental benefits and cost savings by implementing paper reduction and sustainable paper procurement initiatives. Learn how to use the updated Paper Calculator, which can help your organization meet your paper-related sustainability goals and document the resulting benefits. Panelists:
RPN/FOE Webinar: The Meat of the Matter: A Municipal Guide to Climate-Friendly Food Purchasing - December 13, 2017Cities and counties can fight climate change by offering less meat and more plant-based meals in their institutional food service operations. Municipalities that already made this change have experienced a triple win: promoting health, protecting the planet, and saving money. This webinar highlights recommendations from The Meat of the Matter: A Municipal Guide to Climate-Friendly Food Purchasing, a new resource developed by Friends of the Earth and RPN. This webinar covers:
RPN/CEH Webinar: Toxic Chemicals in Disposable Food Service Ware - October 17, 2017This webinar highlights new research confirming the presence of fluorinated, "non-stick" chemicals in a wide array of disposable plates, take-out containers, and food wraps. These toxic and persistent grease-resistant compounds can contaminate food, water, and compost. Presenters explain how to identify and procure food service ware products that are not only devoid of these chemicals of concern, but are also reusable, compostable, or easily recyclable. This webinar covers:
RPN Webinar: Learning to Clean With Safer Chemicals: How Baltimore City Public Schools is Developing a Districtwide Green Cleaning Program - May 3, 2017
Please note: The first few minutes of the webinar recording is cut off. We are working to re-record that section. Thank you! Hear first-hand how Baltimore City Public Schools (BCPS) -- with RPN's help -- has been creating a green cleaning program for nearly 180 school buildings. This webinar highlights the steps BCPS took to protect the health of students, teachers, and custodial staff by:
RPN Webinar: Greening Facility MRO Contracts - April 19, 2017
This webinar highlighted how Massachusetts recently used NASPO Green Technical Assistance funds to add sustainability standards to several Facility Maintenance, Repair, and Operations (MRO) contracts with the help of RPN's technical team:
This webinar featured:
RPN Webinar: How to Find the Best Rechargeable Batteries - Sept 28, 2016
250 million pounds of batteries wind up in U.S. landfills each year, leaving behind toxic heavy metals and corrosive chemicals. This webinar featured:
RPN Webinar: Safer Seating: Finding Furniture Free of Flame Retardants, Formaldehyde, and Other Toxic Chemicals - Dec 15, 2015Part 1: How to Avoid Furniture that Contains Highly Toxic Chemicals (Jean Hansen)
Furniture is often made with chemicals and materials that are hazardous to the people who manufacture it, use it, and recycle it. This includes substances that are linked to cancer, asthma, decreased fertility, or other diseases. Of greatest concern are formaldehyde, flame retardants, fluorinated stain resistance chemicals, antimicrobials, and vinyl. This webinar featured:
RPN Webinar: Strategies & Tools for Purchasing Products With Safer Chemicals - Sept 30, 2015The Lowell Center for Sustainable Production teamed up with the Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN), the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (SPLC), and the Green Electronics Council to highlight steps institutional purchasers in the public and private sectors can take to identify and procure products made with safer chemicals and materials. The webinar, hosted by SPLC, explored and built upon the findings of the recently released report Advancing Safer Chemicals in Products: The Key Role of Purchasing. This information can help purchasers who are just getting started - by introducing them tools such as credible third-party eco-labels, which make it easy to find products that are among the safest in their class. Learn about strategies you can use to determine which products are the most likely to contain toxic chemicals and how to use your purchasing power to encourage suppliers to provide you with products that are safer for the people who make and use them - and for the environment. This webinar featured:
RPN Webinar: Saving the Pollinators - July 15, 2015State and local governments, school districts, colleges and universities, hospitals, and businesses spend millions of dollars a year on landscaping and pest management products and services. During the past decade, many of these organizations have saved money and reduced toxic chemical use through integrated pest management (IPM). In addition, some organizations have eliminated the use of neonicotinoid pesticides ("neonics") to protect bees and other pollinators. RPN and Friends of the Earth co-hosted this webinar on purchasing strategies government agencies, educational institutions, and businesses can take to protect bees and other pollinators. This webinar covered:
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RPN Webinar: Green Hardware Supplies - Sept 10, 2014With support from the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), RPN has developed a set of fact sheets highlighting the environmentally preferable products offered on three NASPO-WSCA contracts for Facilities Maintenance, Repair and Operations (MRO) Supplies. Webinar attendees learned what constitutes a "green" hardware supply and how these products can yield environmental, health, and economic benefits to their operations. They heard first-hand from representatives of three major suppliers of green hardware supplies how to find green products on their websites and purchase them at discounted prices through cooperative price agreements. This webinar featured:
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RPN Webinar: Safer Disinfectants - May 14, 2014Is your organization interested in transitioning to safer disinfectants? Listen to the RPN webinar that highlighted best practices for safer disinfecting strategies, complete with program recommendations. This webinar covered:
This webinar featured:
Access webinar recording here |
RPN Webinar: Local and Sustainable Food Procurement: Best Practices of Northeastern State Governments - April 9, 2014Is your state government interested in expanding purchase of locally and sustainably farmed agricultural products? Creating markets for these products can contribute to the regional economy, preserve farmland and support a thriving, healthy food system. Listen in to an RPN webinar supported by the John Merck Fund that highlighted best practices developed in the New England region to foster state government procurement of local and sustainable food. This webinar covered strategies to:
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RPN Webinar: Best Practices: Tracking Recycled Paper - Nov 19, 2013Learn about a new report by RPN that details several effective strategies for gathering, interpreting, and presenting information on recycled paper purchases. Hear how the State of North Dakota's procurement office and print shop are working together to put some of these best practices in place as part of their Greener Paper Project. This webinar featured:
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RPN Webinar: Sustainability in a Cup: Institutional Procurement of Fair Trade - Oct 17, 2013Is your jurisdiction or organization looking for sustainable products that are not only designed to protect the environment but are also produced in ways that provide fair wages and working conditions? This webinar highlights two fair trade purchasing guides that can help you fulfill your commitment to sustainability by sourcing products that are fair trade-certified by third party organizations. In partnership with Fair Trade Campaigns, RPN produced two guides tailored to two different audiences: 1) cities and towns; and 2) colleges and universities. This webinar covered:
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RPN Webinar: Green Purchasing for Schools: Save Money and Reduce Your Environmental Footprint - Sept 11, 2013Did you know that K-12 schools in the U.S. use about 6 million trees for the paper they buy? Or that K-12 schools are responsible for about 8% of U.S. carbon emissions? This back-to-school webinar from RPN and the Green Schools Initiative explains how schools can specify and find affordable products that will reduce waste and pollution, save energy and water, and safeguard health. The original broadcast was featured as a part of the Green Strides webinar series from the U.S. Department of Education. This webinar featured:
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RPN Webinar: Advancing Safer Chemistry in Government Procurement - April 4, 2013Governments are among the largest institutional purchasers and can have a large influence in the marketplace for more sustainable products. Federal, state, and local policies are increasingly requiring government agencies to purchase less toxic products such as certified low-toxicity cleaners and paint, low-emitting furniture and building supplies, and low-mercury lighting equipment. This webinar covered:
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RPN Webinar: Spotlight on EPA's Design for the Environment (DfE) Program - March 14, 2013Please Note: Due to technical issues, the recording of the webinar is not yet available. We are working on getting the recording posted as soon as we can. We apologize for the inconvenience. For over 15 years, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Design for the Environment (DfE) Program has worked with a broad range of stakeholders, including NGOs, product manufacturers, and chemical manufacturers, to help manufacturers choose the safest possible ingredients and to help consumers find safer products. Products that meet DfE’s stringent Standard for Safer Products are allowed to carry the DfE logo.
Many of RPN’s members have posed questions to us about this program (e.g., how it compares to other similar program such as Green Seal and EcoLogo). This was an opportunity to hear first-hand from DfE staff about how their program works and ask them questions directly. This webinar featured:
RPN Webinar: Public Procurement of Energy-Efficient Products: Lessons from Around the World- Feb 20, 2013Energy efficiency is arguably the most popular attribute public agencies seek when purchasing environmentally responsible products. This is largely because energy-efficient products often yield measurable environmental benefits and cost savings. In the U.S., ENERGY STAR is the most widely recognized eco-label, making the process of procuring energy-efficient products relatively easy. Representatives from the World Bank, U.S. EPA’s ENERGY STAR Program and the District of Columbia’s procurement office discussed key elements of a successful program for procuring energy-efficient products, including product testing and labeling systems, policy drivers, educational strategies, and incentives to bring about behavior change, tracking and reporting systems, and more.
This webinar featured:
RPN Webinar: Saving the Planet, One Paper Towel at a Time - Dec 5, 2012Choices we make about paper towel and tissue purchases can protect forests and water quality as well as reduce energy consumption and pollution. Join the Responsible Purchasing Network for a webinar on responsible paper towel and tissue sourcing – to separate fact from "pulp fiction." Representatives from World Wildlife Fund, Conservatree, the City of Santa Monica, and RPN will discuss key issues and practical solutions to help institutional purchasers identify greener paper towel and tissue products.
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RPN Webinar: Office Products Roundtable - Oct 31, 2012Please Note: Due to a technical glitch, the entirety of the webinar was not recorded. We are working on re-recording that portion of the webinar and will make this available as soon as we can. We apologize for the inconvenience. Representatives from some of the leading office supplies stores including Office Depot, Staples, and Independent Stationers discussed their efforts to help institutional purchasers identify green alternatives.
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RPN Webinar: New Member Orientation and Products That Save Money - Sept 19, 2012Whether you are a new RPN member or thinking about becoming a member, please check out RPN's orientation webinar plus a discussion on green products that save money. We discussed all of the sustainable procurement resources available to RPN members and some basic strategies to get you started such as creating an environmentally preferable purchasing (EPP) policy, setting up an effective green purchasing program, and prioritizing contracts that are likely to yield environmental and economic benefits. This webinar covered:
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RPN Webinar: Biobased Products in the U.S. - June 4, 2012
Hosted by the Sustainable Biomaterials Collaborative, Responsible Purchasing Network, and USDA BioPreferred Program, this live webinar explores biobased products procurement. Learn from experts how U.S. federal laws and regulations create demand for biobased products, including the very recent Presidential Memorandum. View existing purchasing specs for compostable food serviceware to see what questions purchasers should ask to find the most environmentally preferable choices. And hear from a government procurer about the variety of biobased products they purchase and how they balance their environmental wants with performance needs.
This webinar featured:
RPN Webinar: Cutting-Edge Eco-Labels: Green-e - March 8, 2012
The manufacturing of products using coal and other fossil fuels as a power source consumes significant amounts of non-renewable resources and emits a wide range of toxic pollutants, including “greenhouse gases” that can contribute to climate change. Join RPN for our upcoming webinar to learn about an innovative program developed by Green-e that certifies products manufactured with 100% renewable energy such as solar or wind power. Green-e is a certification program run by the Center for Resource Solutions, which certifies renewable energy, carbon offsets, and companies and products that use renewable energy. There will be an extended Q&A to allow ample time for purchasers and sustainability staff to ask questions about how to utilize this eco-label to identify and procure products with a reduced climate impact.
RPN Webinar: Green Purchasing 101 and New/Prospective Member Orientation - January 19, 2012
Whether you are already an RPN member or simply made a New Year’s resolution to purchase more environmentally responsible products for your organization, please check out RPN's Orientation Webinar and introduction to sustainable purchasing. This webinar covered:
RPN Webinar: Purchasing for Water Efficiency - November 8, 2011
According to the US EPA, commercial buildings in the United States use at least 850 million gallons of water per day! This demand puts tremendous stress on water supplies and distribution systems, threatening both human health and the environment. Water consumption also represents a significant cost to public agencies and other facilities. For example, the City of Houston, TX saved over $260 million through conservation measures that included educational outreach and retrofits. The webinar covered:
The webinar featured:
RPN Members and organizations within EPA Regions 1, 4, 7, and 9 (see table below) can watch or download the presentation slides and recording. Please email RPN Manager, Phillip Kobernick to access the webinar recording if you do not already have an RPN login. Non-members may access the presentation slides only. RPN Members and Organizations in EPA Regions (1, 4, 7, and 9): Click here for additional answers to questions not covered during the webinar for timing reasons. REGION 1: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, This webinar was offered as part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Regional Pollution Prevention Program Offices' Source Reduction Assistance Grant Program. Please visit responsiblepurchasing.org/buildings for more information or to apply for project assistance. |
RPN Webinar: Green Purchasing for Existing Buildings - September 28, 2011
Existing buildings are a major contributor to Americans’ environmental impact. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, in addition to producing 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, existing commercial buildings in the public and private sector:
However, with procurement choices and smart operations, building owners and occupants can dramatically improve their environmental footprint. The webinar covered:
The webinar featured:
RPN may be able to provide additional technical assistance to webinar participants in the Northeast, Southeast, and Midwest (EPA Regions 1, 4, and 7) who are working on results-oriented green purchasing projects for existing buildings. Please visit responsiblepurchasing.org/buildings for more information. This webinar was offered as part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Regional Pollution Prevention Program Offices' Source Reduction Assistance Grant Program. |
RPN Webinar: Cutting-edge Eco-labels - UL Environment - June 17, 2011
Let the Responsible Purchasing Network help you stay on top of the latest developments with Underwriters Laboratories Environment (ULE). During this Webinar, participants learned more about the most extensive and fastest growing certification organization and how it can help purchasers find products with meaningful environmental attributes. The Webinar covered:
The Webinar featured:
RPN - SBC Webinar: Compostable Service Ware - May 12, 2011
This comprehensive Webinar is geared to both experienced "green" purchasers and those just getting started and covered important aspects of a successful food service ware program from an environmental purchasing perspective, and explained how to conduct product performance testing. It will provided detailed purchasing specifications, useful resources, and successful case studies. Compostable food service ware includes biobased bowls, cups, plates, clamshells, and cutlery. RPN Members can watch or download the presentation slides and recording. |
RPN Webinar: Sustainable Purchasing for Higher Education - May 4, 2011
The Webinar covered helpful resources that are available for purchasers from AASHE and RPN, how to track your sustainability progress with the Sustainability Tracking and Rating System (STARS), and also featured guest speakers from two successful programs. Speakers included: RPN Members can watch or download the presentation slides and recording. For more information: |
RPN Webinar: National Healthy Schools Day - April 13, 2011
In this Webinar, Alicia Culver, Director of the Responsible Purchasing Network, helped schools learn how to spot false “green” marketing claims (“greenwashing”) and procure products that have substantiated environmental benefits. She also gave examples of schools that have reduced chemical exposures and saved money by pilot testing – and ultimately purchasing – certified “green” cleaning products and asthma-safe disinfectants. In addition, Virginia Hyatt, Purchasing Director of the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District described steps it has taken to improve the environmental sustainability of the districts' facilities. The Webinar featured:
RPN Webinar: New and Prospective Member Orientation and Sustainable Purchasing 101 - January 19, 2011
Purchasing for Climate Protection, featuring Carbonfund.org - December 10, 2010
Procurement practices often have global implications. Nowhere is this clearer than in measuring and reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with the products we buy. This webinar recording will help purchasing agents and policy-makers who are seeking to reduce their organization’s carbon footprint as well as their budget.
RPN Members can watch download the presentation slides and recording. |
2010 Responsible Purchasing Report - NASPO Edition - September 15, 2010
The Webinar accompanies the release of the 2010 Responsible Purchasing Report for NASPO. Watch the webinar to learn how state purchasers are spending at least $3-6.9 billion on responsible products and services every year. Results from the 2010 Green Purchasing Survey have been developed into the "2010 Responsible Purchasing Trends Report - NASPO Edition," available to NASPO-RPN members here. RPN Members have access to the entire Webinar recording. The 2010 Responsible Purchasing Report, which surveyed the sustainable purchasing among all RPN members is available here to RPN members and non-members for free. |
ENERGY STAR Product Certifications Changes Q&A - May 6, 2010
Download now: Entire recording (WMV) ENERGY STAR, an eco-label run collaboratively by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), which certifies energy-efficient products, is widely recognized and used, according to a 2009 RPN Trends Report. Any changes in this cornerstone eco-label are of interest to those looking to make more energy-efficient purchases. This Webinar covered: Speakers included:
Tracking and Reporting Responsible Purchasing - March 11, 2010
According to the 2009 RPN Trends Report, less than a quarter of RPN Members publish a Responsible Purchasing Report. RPN advises its members to publish reports at least annually in order to communicate program successes. This Webinar covered: Speakers included: Non-members can download the Webinar presentation slides only. RPN Members have access to the entire Webinar recording, including presentation slides. |
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RPN New and Prospective Member Orientation- January 21, 2010Slides from the January 21 Responsible Purchasing Webinar: New and Prospective Member Orientation are now available for download. The webinar featured the following speakers: Jonathan Cohen; Director of Workplace Programs, Center for a New American Dream Vincent Kitira; RPN Manager The slides highlight the benefits of RPN membership, including:
Computers and Office Electronics - November 19, 2009
This webinar covered new developments in the world of greener office electronics and computers. The webinar accompanied the release of the updates to two Responsible Purchasing Guides, Office Electronics and Computers. The webinar speakers consisted of:
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Bottled Water, University Edition - October 29, 2009
Click here to access the presentation slides This Guide provides schools with all the resources they need to eliminate bottled water and transition to municipal tap water with bottled water alternatives such as filters, fountains, bottle-less coolers and reusable containers. The Guide also contains an extensive list of school’s that have expelled bottled water from their campuses and several policy samples. The webinar speakers consisted of:
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Cooperative Contracts: September 17, 2009This Webinar focused on the power of cooperative contracts and group purchasing consortia to lower transaction costs, aggregate purchasing power and shift the marketplace toward environmentally preferable products. The Webinar speakers consisted of:
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LED Lighting: August 19, 2009
This webinar focused on LED Lights where participants learned how to: write and evaluate bid specifications for the most energy efficient LED products available , calculate cost and energy savings of LED products, recognize prevalent and reliable LED standards, understand the benefits and costs of different LED projects, and message your successes to stakeholders. Presentations include:
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Carbon Offsets: July 29, 2009This webinar informs people why carbon offsets can be an important part of an institutional climate action plan and cover topics such as: evaluate and source different carbon offset providers, recognize prevalent and reliable carbon offset standards, understand the cost and supply of different offset projects, specify services needed from carbon offset providers, and message carbon mitigation strategies. Presentations include:
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Food Services: May 27, 2009
This webinar offers a cornucopia of strategies and resources for establishing an institutional green dining program, reducing waste, and sourcing local and sustainable food .Presentations include:
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Responsible Purchasing Trends and Pioneers 2009: May 12, 2009This webinar featured the findings from the RPN 2009 Responsible Purchasing Trends Report and best practices and case studies by four of the country’s leading responsible purchasing pioneers. Presentations include:
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Cleaners: December 9, 2008This webinar provided up to date information and recommendations on responsible use and purchasing of office cleaning products and will feature relevant case studies. Presentations include:
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Think Outside the Bottle: August 26, 2008This webinar teaches the environmental impacts of bottled water and the responsible strategies that institutions can use to reduce and replace bottled water procurement with case studies from organizations that have eliminated bottled water procurement and made the switch to bottle-free alternatives. Presentations include:
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Copy Paper: July 22, 2008This webinar covered topics including how to reduce environmental impacts throughout the lifecycle of copy paper, best practices, example procurement policies and bid specs for copy paper. Presentations include:
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Toner Cartridges: June 10, 2008
This webinar provided information on remanufactured toner cartridges with emphasis on quality control techniques, leading industry standards, and case studies from leading institutions. Presentations include:
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EPEAT Computers: May 6, 2008
This webinar teaches best practices for computer purchasing, use, end-of-life, and EPEAT certification. Presentations include:
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Green Power: April 8, 2008
This webinar provided information on responsible electricity use and procurement, with emphasis on purchasing grid-delivered green power and renewable energy certificates (RECs). Presentations include:
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Tires and Wheel Weights: March 18, 2008
This webinar included an update on the low-rolling resistance (LRR) tire marketplace, an explanation of retread tires, and the King County DOT's experience in using lead-free wheel weights. Presentations include:
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Climate Neutral Fleet: August 21, 2007
This webinar instructed on greenhouse gas management by fleets. Participants learned how improvements in fuel economy, fleet management, and procurement can reduce emissions, improve energy security, and save money. Presentations include:
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Green Fleet: March 29, 2007
This webinar covered: leading trends in purchasing and managing responsible fleet vehicles and fuels; best practices, model policies, costs, and environmental performance issues; and fleet case studies of biofuels and hybrid vehicles. Presentations include:
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Fluorescent Lighting: November 5, 2007
Participants learned about lighting equipment procurement policy and ENERGY STAR's current CFL standard. New York City's successful implementation of a responsible lighting program was the case study. Presentations include:
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Purchasing Responsible Office Electronics: July 24, 2007
This webinar covered the latest information on best practices and standards for socially and environmentally responsible office electronics, including: copiers, printers, fax machines, scanners, and multifunction devices (MFDs). Presentations include:
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